Dog Acting Weird? Common Causes & Solutions

As pet parents, witnessing your dog acting strange can be alarming. Understanding the nuances behind such behavior is crucial for ensuring your furry friend's well-being. Dogs, much like humans, can exhibit odd behaviors for a multitude of reasons. These can range from minor routine disruptions to serious underlying health issues. Recognizing and addressing these behaviors promptly can help maintain your dog's health and happiness. Here are some common reasons why dogs might act weird suddenly and what you can do to help them. 

Dog and owner having an outdoor moments wearing Sparkpaws Matching Human and Dog Apparel


Weird Behavior in Dogs: Common Causes

Routine Disruptions

Dogs thrive on consistency. Any disruption to a dog’s routine, whether due to a change in your work schedule or a move to a new home, can cause distress. Maintaining a stable environment helps mitigate anxiety. Regular feeding, walking, and playtimes create a sense of security.

Dietary Changes

Sudden changes in diet can upset a dog’s digestive system, leading to discomfort and strange behavior. Transition to new food gradually, mixing it with the old food over a week. Monitor for adverse reactions, and consult your vet if issues persist.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety manifests when dogs are left alone for extended periods. Symptoms include destructive behavior, excessive barking, whining, and even attempts to escape. These behaviors indicate your dog is experiencing significant distress due to your absence. Addressing separation anxiety is crucial for your dog’s emotional well-being and to prevent damage to your home.

Symptoms of Separation Anxiety

  • Destructive Behavior: Chewing on furniture, doors, or household items.
  • Excessive Barking or Howling: Persistent vocalization when left alone.
  • Indoor Soiling: Urinating or defecating inside the house despite being housetrained.
  • Pacing: Walking or trotting along a specific path in a fixed pattern.
  • Escape Attempts: Trying to dig or chew through doors or windows.

Stress and Depression

Dogs can suffer from stress and depression, often triggered by environmental changes or the loss of a companion. Signs include lethargy and reduced interest in activities. Provide extra attention, engaging them in play and mental stimulation to lift their spirits.

Underlying Illness

Behavioral changes can indicate health issues. Common illnesses like ear infections or digestive problems may be the culprits. A vet appointment is crucial to diagnose and treat any underlying illness.

Pain and Injuries

If your dog starts acting weird, it could be due to pain or injury. Watch for limping, whimpering, or reluctance to move. Immediate vet consultation is necessary to address any pain-related issues.

Fear and Phobias

Many dogs develop fears or phobias to loud noises or unfamiliar environments. Identifying the fear source and creating a safe space can help. Gradual exposure and positive reinforcement techniques also prove effective. 

A dog wearing Sparkpaw's Dog Earmuff Protector


Aging and Cognitive Decline

Older dogs may experience cognitive decline, leading to confusion and behavioral changes. Support their aging process with mental stimulation and a comfortable living environment. Regular vet check-ups are essential.

Lack of Exercise

Physical and mental exercise is vital for a dog’s life well-being. Boredom can lead to destructive behavior. Ensure regular walks and engage them with interactive toys to keep their minds active.

Unusual Bathroom Habits

If a house-trained dog starts having accidents indoors, it could signal medical or behavioral issues. Factors include stress, changes in routine, or aging. Consult your vet to rule out medical causes and adjust routines accordingly.

Excessive Paw Licking

Paw licking can indicate allergies, skin irritation, or stress. Persistent licking warrants a vet visit to identify and treat the underlying issue. Regular grooming and checking for injuries are beneficial.

Coprophagia (Eating Poop)

Eating poop, or coprophagia, is unpleasant but common. Causes include nutritional deficiencies or anxiety. Ensure a balanced diet, clean up promptly, and provide ample mental and physical stimulation.

Howling and Vocalization

Excessive howling can result from communication, loneliness, or environmental stimuli. Identify the cause and address it appropriately. If it’s anxiety-driven, providing comfort and security can reduce the behavior.


Aggression in dogs can stem from fear, lack of socialization, or previous negative experiences. Signs include growling and biting. Consult a professional dog trainer to address and manage aggressive behavior effectively.

New Surroundings

Moving to a new home or introducing new pets or family members can overwhelm dogs. Give them time to adjust and provide reassurance during this transition.

Changes in Eating Habits

A dog’s eating habits can reveal much about their health. Sudden changes in appetite or eating patterns can indicate stress or medical conditions. Ensure a balanced diet and consistent feeding schedule. Consult your vet if unusual eating habits persist.


Have you ever noticed your dog dragging their behind on the floor, particularly on rugs? This is called scooting and usually means there is something irritating your dog’s bum, or they may potentially just need to go to the toilet.

But, if poop is not the issue, allergies could be, and while it is very common to blame this behavior on worms, this is actually the least likely cause. Another reason might be that your dog has eaten grass and is now struggling to expel it.

Provide them with some fiber, like chopped-up cucumber or cooked pumpkin, to help them poop with ease and if this doesn’t ease the scooting, assess what they may have developed an allergy to (Recently changed your dog food? Been exposed to a lot of grass?). Always consult with your vet if you’re concerned. 

Sparkpaw's Dog Poop Bag Holder


Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Is It Bad for Them?

Our fur children are actually natural omnivores, using plants to supplement their diets. In fact, many dog chows include grains in addition to meat. Dogs eating grass occasionally may be a sign of self-medication when Fido’s tummy doesn’t feel so good, or perhaps he is trying to treat a gastrointestinal parasite they picked up in the woods on your last hike.

Grass eating is a somewhat common dog behavior and is not considered to be harmful on occasion. As a responsible dog mom or dad, you might consider a visit to your vet if you suspect an underlying medical condition such as gastrointestinal disease.

Otherwise, your doggo might be eating grass out of boredom. Dogs will be dogs!

Changes in Your Dog’s Behavior

Observing and understanding your dog's behaviors is key to identifying potential issues. Such behavior changes can be subtle or dramatic, ranging from increased aggression to unusual sleeping patterns.

Addressing Your Dog's Weird Behavior

Maintain a Stable Routine

Consistency is comforting for dogs. Try to keep their daily routine as stable as possible. Regular feeding times, walks, and play sessions help create a sense of normalcy and security.

Provide Mental Stimulation

Engage your dog’s mind with puzzles, training exercises, and interactive toys. Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise and helps prevent boredom-related behaviors.

Gradual Transitions

Whether changing their diet or adjusting their environment, make changes gradually. Sudden shifts can be stressful for dogs. Slowly introducing new elements allows them to adapt more comfortably.

Seek Professional Help

If your dog’s weird behavior persists despite your efforts, consult a professional dog behaviorist or trainer. They can provide expert advice tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

Regular Vet Check-Ups

Routine veterinary check-ups are essential. Regular health assessments can catch potential issues early, ensuring your dog remains in good health.

Addressing Separation Anxiety

Help your dog cope with separation anxiety by gradually increasing the time spent apart. Provide comforting items and create a positive association with alone time through treats and toys. 

A dog wearing Sparkpaw's Dog T-Shirt

 Consider a Dog Sitter

Hiring a dog sitter is an excellent option for managing separation anxiety, especially if you’re frequently away for long periods. A dog sitter can provide:

  • Company: Ensuring your dog isn’t left alone for extended periods.
  • Exercise: Taking your dog for walks and engaging them in play to burn off excess energy.
  • Feeding: Sticking to your dog’s regular feeding schedule.
  • Monitoring: Observing your dog for any signs of distress or health issues.

A dog sitter can offer companionship and maintain your dog's routine, significantly reducing anxiety levels. They can drop in for visits, stay with your dog for specific periods, or even offer overnight stays, depending on your needs.

Create a Safe Space

Designate a comfortable and secure area in your home where your dog can retreat when they feel anxious. This space should be quiet and filled with familiar items. A crate or a specific room can serve this purpose, provided it’s a place where your dog feels safe and relaxed.

To enhance your dog’s comfort and ensure they feel cozy and secure, consider investing in high-quality accessories. Dog Hoodies are perfect for keeping your furry friend warm and stylish during colder months. They add an extra layer of comfort and can help reduce anxiety by providing a snug feeling. Check out our selection of Dog Hoodies to keep your dog warm and cozy! Shop Dog Hoodies Now

Positive Reinforcement and Bonding

Building a strong bond with your dog through positive reinforcement and bonding activities is essential for preventing behavioral issues. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your dog for desired behaviors, which encourages them to repeat those actions. This technique helps in shaping their behavior and establishing a strong, trusting relationship between you and your pet.

Spend Quality Time Together

Spend quality time with your dog to strengthen your bond. Engaging in interactive play sessions, such as fetch or tug-of-war and walking, can be fun and mentally stimulating for your dog. These activities not only keep them physically active but also provide an opportunity to build a deeper connection. 

Adog wearing Sparkpaw's Comfort Control Dog Collar


Provide Affection and Praise

Offering affection and praise is crucial for reinforcing good behavior. Simple actions like petting your dog, giving them belly rubs, or using a cheerful voice to praise them can significantly boost their confidence and happiness. Consistently rewarding your dog with treats or toys for positive actions helps them understand what behaviors are acceptable and appreciated.

Create Positive Experiences

A strong bond based on trust and positive experiences can help prevent anxiety and promote a sense of security in your dog. Ensure that interactions with your dog are pleasant and stress-free. Avoid punishing or yelling at your dog, as this can damage trust and exacerbate behavioral issues.

Dog Acting Strange

Understanding the reasons behind your dog’s unusual behavior can help you address the issue effectively. Always observe your dog closely and consult your vet if you notice any concerning changes. With patience, love, and proper care, you can help your furry friend feel better and return to their happy, playful self.

Remember, most dogs rely on you for their well-being, so always be attentive and responsive to their needs. Maintaining a stable routine, providing mental and physical stimulation, and seeking professional help when necessary can ensure your dog leads a happy and healthy life.